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Categoria: Alternative/Electronic/Downtempo
"Baiana" (Wolf Mueller Drum Drop)
Ascolta tutto
A1: Original
B1: Wolf Mueller's Drum Drop
The fourth release of Selva Discos is one that has been bursting audiences into flames for a good while. Barbatuques, a well-known Brazilian group of body percussionists, adapted “Baiana´“ back in 2005 (first released on the “O Seguinte E´ Esse“ album) and since then it became a staple of their concerts, getting crazy reactions from the children to the elder, being featured on soundtracks and sampled by trap duo Tropkillaz. The original is a modern folk song from Bahia composed by Maria do Carmo Barbosa, but it was the mouth harp sound and the stomping beat on the Barbatuques' arrangement that imprinted its trademark sound - like the first lightning strikes before the storm. A couple of years ago, Jan Schulte, the german producer known for his taste for tropical drums (and also for using a few different aliases), heard the song and decided to add an extra punch to it for his DJ sets: more drums, taken from a library record of “drumdrops“ (hence the title). In his appearance at 2017's Dekmantel Boiler Room stage as Bufiman, he dropped it to the crowd's awe, and it's been like that wherever its played - believe it, it's been tested all around. So now for the first time “Baiana´“ is issued on vinyl. It marks the second volume of the BRASINGLES series, a new series on Selva Discos dedicated to releasing loud 12“ singles with the original song on the A side and a rework on the B side, to please both the DJ and the listener.