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Categoria: Alternative/Electronic/Downtempo
“Il Respiro Si Blocca“
“La Notte E Piena Di Echi“
“Spiragli In Spazi“
“L'isola Nuda“
Ascolta tutto
A1: Il Principe Delle Modificazioni
A2: Il Respiro Si Blocca
A3: Il Castello (Dedicato A F Kafka)
A4: La Notte È Piena Di Echi
A5: Madame Edwarda Parte 1
A6: Madame Edwarda Parte 2
A7: L’uomo È Morto
B1: Spiragli In Spazi
B2: L’isola Nuda
B3: Un Passo Precipitato
B4: Effigi Inquietanti
B5: Al Dio Ignoto
B6: Potrebbe Dire Il Tipografo Hans
B7: Contenta Dei Deserti
From a research work started in full lockdown three years ago, finally sees the light (or darkness) Echi Senza Fine, a remastered collection of sound material by Tasaday. Inspired by the controversial media story in 1971 of the discovery of a tribe in the Philippines that apparently had technology that had stood still in the Stone Age, the project officially borrows the name Tasaday in 1984 from the evolution of Nulla Perreale, in turn union of Die Form (musical part) & Orgasm Denied (performative part).
To put it in the words of Marcello Ambrosini, the Tasadays find in Die Form the controlled destruction of the form after its careful design and construction, while in Nulla Iperreale the spontaneity free from any possible superstructure. They declare themselves new primitives, not in the perspective of a nostalgic return to a pre-industrial or prehistoric external world, but in the exception of an inner experience in stark contrast to the leviathan of the single utilitarian thought that has dominated the West for centuries.
Their production-action does not allow itself to be tempted by the repetitiveness used by many industrial groups of those years, thus resulting seminal in the evolution of the scene. Their impulse to go further and not remain caged in the format of the new wave is witnessed by their particular sound vocabulary that sees, along with the use of conventional instruments, the use of DIY tools such as Chopper Vox and highly sui generis tools, like the Camolofono, cariole loaded with sheets, stones, tubes, chains and “garbage” of various shapes and sizes.
A discography dotted with primordial electronic experiments that reaches the new millennium through several vinyl records and an endless number of cassettes. From this undefined and mysterious number of tapes that is born Echi Senza Fine: 14 tracks (+ 2 digital bonuses) remastered, collected by Asymmetrical, who also edited the release insert, a collage of visual and textual material from their fanzines. A series of 300 transparent vinyl + Insert.