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Categoria: House (all)
Noiro - “Walking Talking“
Solal Reyes - “Du Pain“
Nemo Vachez - “Water Castle“
Ascolta tutto
A1: Hearthug – Are You Okay
A2: Noiro – Walking Talking
B1: Solal Reyes – Du Pain
B2: Nemo Vachez – Water Castle
La Karambole (bar, restaurant and art venue located in Paris), releases its first vinyl record featuring the renowned tunisian producer Hearthug alongside parisian artists Nemo Vachez, Solal Reyes, and Noiro, to express the unique vibe of the place.
The four track various EP oscillates between acid, house, and progressive music. It blends the energy of the artists and highlights the eclectic style of the local parisian music scene which La Karambole showcases.