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Categoria: Detroit
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A1: Eso8
A2: Pain
B1: Cyclops
B2: Stella
B3: Black
RAFF debuts with a solid assembly of made-to-measure club tracks. Be it new life dawning or physical pain, these productions drip character, finding their roots in personal moments that mark and scar RAFF's day to day life. As a linchpin of Rotterdam's deejay culture, one can hear technoid elements of his homebase fluctuate along an axis of Detroitesque electro. Naming afrofuturism as a major source of influence, this release locks you into RAFF's world through its emotional touch and technical precision. Designed for clubs and headphones alike, his works can be distinguished via their frequential layering and spatial design. Analogue warmth, a timeless feel - these are five cuts for jocks that seek the real deal. Comes in hand printed artwork by the BAKK Harbour City Service.