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Categoria: Experimental/Electronic
"Empathy Master"
"Anthropomorphic Sympathy"
Ascolta tutto
A1: You
A2: Sopine
A3: Dimlove
B1: *
B2: Empathy Master
B3: For Edmond Belamy
B4: Interlude
C1: Anthropomorphic Sympathy
C2: Singularity
C3: November Subitizing
D1: Juniper
D2: Lived Ii Time
D3: Allopoiesis
D4: Korwar
Having built up his self titled label alongside his sterling work as part of Oscillat, Lazare Hoche and Will & Ink, the one and only Malin Genie delivers his debut solo album. Moving beyond the pure club focus of his singles and EPs, the Genie has seized this opportunity to present a widescreen panorama of his sound, leading in with the subliminal ambience of "You" as a springboard to explore breaks, electro, techno, and especially IDM. There are so many ideas swirling round Anthropomorphic Sympathy, it's hard to know where to begin describing it. A true headphone commute for the deep listener to burrow into.