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Categoria: House (all)
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A1: Sawhore
B1: Skyward
Crystal Structures returns with its fourth instalment, in the guise of a two track EP, composed by the multifaceted Chas Burns, more commonly known as 'Flow'. Label honcho of two distinguished imprints of his own, 'Low Pressings' and 'Beat code', Flow's extensive back catalogue of eminent records are assumed collectables for the most ardent crate diggers.
Regularly championed by vinyl purveyors including Ricardo Villalobos, Arpiar and Praslea, Flow's elegant style has been akin to the trademark early 2000's UK sound of the likes of Eddie Richards, Terry Francis and Nathan Coles.
His 'Sawwhore EP' on Crystal Structures embodies that very same rolling tech-house through techno eloquence, and will undoubtedly become accustomed to any record bag which it gracefully finds its way into.