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Categoria: House (all)
"Don't You Want My Love"
Ascolta tutto
A1: Meanwhile Back At Home
A2: Wednesday Night People
A3: The Set Up
B1: Don't You Want My Love
B2: (Logo)
C1: Your Sweet Lovin
C2: The Thief That Stole My Sad Days (Ya Blessin Me)
D1: Forevernevermore
D2: Tribute
Forevernevermore was originally released in 2000 and is the second full length on Peacefrog from Kenny Dixon Jnr.
Gathering together the best strands of Moodymann's late-'90s tracks on KDJ, Forevernevermore re-interprets
these rare and sought after gems twisting and blending them into a new mesmerizing and idiosyncratic stew which
offers new insight into these now classic retro-disco funk tracks.
Containing unique and stone cold classics such as Don't You Want My Love, Wednesday Night People and The
Thief That Stole My Bad Days. Forevenevermore is perhaps Kenny's most soulful full length and the sheer emotive
nature of these tracks and their relatively down-tempo beats make this album more of a reflective listening
experience on par with sentimental albums such as Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On and Stevie Wonder's Talking
Book than traditional house music.
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