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Categoria: House (all)
"Pez Globo"
Ascolta tutto
A1: Dub Pena
A2: Zucchini
B1: Marcrojaus
B2: Pez Globo
Underyourseat is a project created by Javier Carballo and Berna in 2007 born from the production of small parties at different warehouses and clubs around the island of Gran Canaria, basing in few years as one of the most solid brands in the islands Scene. During this growth period it manage the artistic direction and line ups of clubs such as Velvet, Rebel or Mood as well as collaborate in bigger project like Coconut, Noche de Brujas or Sound Gardens.
After 10 year throwing life to the Canary nights with artist of the size of Rarest, Hector, Cassy, Cabanne, Djulz, Enzo Siragusa, Nastia, etc, and because it´s 10 anniversary, Javier y Berna decide to take one more step and launches Underyourseat Label' new and essential part that enlarge the structure of their project. UNDERYOURSEAT is a platform dedicated to
House and Techno in its most diverse variants where the atemporal sound will be it´s sign.
The first release is the work of LOWWAXX & TERMS - ZUCCHINI EP Javier Carballo (TERMS) and Carlos Sánchez (LOWWAXX) come together under their AKAs to devise a sound with less dance floor pressure where they explore their darker and atmospheric techno side. In this case they feature 4 cut where they walk between Dub Techno, Minimal and Electronic House.