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"Crazy Dream" (Jori Hulkkonen remix)
"Crazy Dream" (Charlotte De Witte remix)
"Crazy Dream" (DJs Pareja remix)
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A1: Original Mix
A2: Jori Hulkkonen Remix
B1: Charlotte De Witte Remix
B2: Djs Pareja Remix
When Steve Lawler first sent us 'Crazy Dream,' he told us that he had made the record 'specifically with Turbo in mind,' thus sending us on a quasi-lucid journey down a rabbit hole of self-discovery from which we have only recently emerged. Most labels would simply talk up a nuts-to-the-wall floor-filler with a killer 'White Horse' bassline from an acid house legend and be done with it, but the fact remains that if we forgo an opportunity to learn more about ourselves as dance music imprint, we are doing our fans a disservice whether they could possibly be expected to realize it or not. We hired a board-licensed Forensic Poet to parse the track's lyrical references to nothing being 'quite as it seems,' 'feeling naked and confused,' and rising above 'the push and shove.' What was he trying to tell us The poet assured us that all it meant was that Lawler admires Turbo and thought the track would be a good fit, and that we should put our clothes back on, wipe the confused looks from our faces, and stop pushing and shoving one another because everything was exactly as it seemed. We paid him his $25 and did as we were told. For the remixes, we took a track made especially for us and enlisted a diverse cast of Turbo All-Stars to spin it into a release for everyone, a proprietary practice we call 'Human Alchemy: The Future of Generosity™.' Finland's Jori Hulkkonen, Belgium's Charlotte de Witte, and Argentina's DJs Pareja trace a beautiful global triangle for lovers of acid bangers, stripped-down techno, and tripped-out weirdness, respectively. At Turbo, giving party people what they need is more than just a crazy dream. It's a crazy reality.