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"Jungle Line"
"When You Smile"
"The Way I Feel"
Ascolta tutto
A1: A Homeage To Chicago
A2: Jungle Line
A3: Majick
B1: When You Smile
B2: The Way I Feel
B3: Focus
B4: The Sound Remains The Same
The mighty Mystic Bill, a true US House legend though somehow criminally underrated. Those who know, know.
His records have long had a mythical status among the diggers, with DJ's who delve that little bit deeper weaving his sounds into their sets. Having released on numerous labels including Relief, Trax, Classic and more Bill has cemented his rep as an artist that has his own vibe and sound. Bill's music exists in that space where the late night meets the earliest morning, sweaty, dark dance-floors and stripped back, jacking tracks are the order of the day... proper, real deal house music. 'Mystic Files' covers the period of 1989 - 1995 and showcases some of Bill's various styles, originally released on TRAX in 1995 this timely reissue shines a light on an artists who definitely deserves more props! This release has long been a tough one to catch with second hand copies sometimes fetching healthy prices online and collectors clamouring to harness some of Bill's magic... This will be right up your alley if you're a fan of Ron Hardy, Relief / Cajual, Steve Poindexter, Armando and everything in between! Sleeping not advised!