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Ascolta tutto
A1: R
A2: Kb
B1: Td
B2: B
Colored Vinyl
All DJs and producers around have at least one secret weapon to play. This series curated by Marvin & Guy is the Equation that joins together very special edits from very special artists.
It will be out in three volumes in different colours: first black, second grey and third white.
The Equation series are being released exclusively on vinyl, a limited edition of 300 copies; no digital formats will be released.
With Equation 2 the A-team is back and they have changed players for this second half.
This time they bring along the Mexican outlaw hippie, a Danish who learnt how to build beats better than Lego, as well as the only Irish keener on music than in beer. And the last player is a man who abandoned the euro dance hits of the 90's to play basketball in Peru.