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Categoria: Acid
"Bad Acid"
"I Am Matrix"
Ascolta tutto
A1: Arrival
A2: Bad Acid
B1: I Am Matrix
B2: Rites
Matrixxman has been a Dekmantel regular for a couple of years now. The San Francisco producer continues to impress with a new triptych for Dekmantel Records. Over the course of three EP's (Rhythm, Acid, Polyphony), Charles McCloud Duff displays his versatile and original take on house and techno. The concept of the triptych is to explore the range within the confines of a particular limitation.
This second EP "Sector II: Acid" shows an exercise in acid. Similarly, the TB-303 may conjure certain knee-jerk reactions at a glance, but acid has the potential to cover a broader palette of emotion than one might initially expect. Sector II holds three squirming 303 sequences and the classic rhythmic drum programming of 'Arrival', 'Bad Acid' and 'I Am Matrix'. 'Rites' on the other hand is more subtle and fluent, swinging with hazy acid flourishes and dynamic syncopation.